Friday, December 15, 2006

Whatever you do, don't think of a pink rhinoceros... or whether a duck's quack has an echo

you know how it is, when people tell you "don't think of a pink rhinoceros" and try as hard as you might you just can't help yourself? and the more you try not to think of the damn rhinoceros the more you do end up thinking about it? so... is it really possible to follow the instructions and not think of a pink rhinoceros.... according to some rather reliable sources...

"Studies have shown that thought suppression may actually lead to continued expression. (E.g. if I would like for you not to think about a white bear; think about anything but a white bear. You will find it very hard not to think about a white bear.) However, such ironic process of mental control will only show up if you're under stress. In fact, the more you try to think of something else (say, y) to distract your attention (from x), the chances that this very thing (Y) may become a retrieval cue to think about x. Yup, that's how ironic our mental control can be"

and based on all that information, the answer would be that yes, it would be possible (though albeit very difficult) to obey instructions to not think of a pink rhinoceros. then again... what if you didn't know what a rhinoceros was? hmmm....

p.s. i thought of this weird question after remembering this comic (wiley's non-sequitter) a few weeks back about how this girl Danae couldn't stop thinking about whether a duck's quack has an echo.... and as a result of telling other people, they couldn't stop thinking about it either....

Monday, December 11, 2006

Time for a few updates...

after like almost a month, i'm (finally) updating this blog (after much nagging from readers).

So what's been going on since the end of hell week round 3? for all those readers out there who were dying (ed: yeah right) for an update...

Hell week round 3... over? (not quite): so anyway... hell week round 3 was supposed to have ended with the disastrous presentation etc etc right? apparently i was WRONG. i basically spent the whole of the so-called reading week working on 1 term paper and 1 frigging 50% INDIVIDUAL project *grumbles*. And if anyone starts wondering "Why on earth is he doing term papers and projects in reading week instead of mugging", well... the mods are non-examinable (and i think my lecturers rationalised it like this - "if there's no exam, then there's nothing to study for. and if there's nothing to study for, why not give them a project or term paper?" right. so i spent the whole week right up till friday doing the term paper (which was pretty easy) and the project (which made me feel like vomitting blood). thankfully my exams weren't the immediate ones. and speaking of the exams....

Chris' 2 exams (yes you heard me right. only 2 exams): so yah. ok the first exam was pretty good (thanks to the tonnes of hints Dr Perry gave in the webcasts). that was a pretty decent way to start off i should think (and yet on the other hand i was a little disgruntled because my first paper was the LAST paper for some of my friends). so media writing went well. wish i could say the same for genes and society though *cue chris's ranting* GAH. stupid genes and society. 100 MCQ, with 20 questions referring to some retarded passage. didn't have time to finish, in the end anyhow shade *grumble grumble* stupid module *grumble grumble* lucky i S/U *grumble grumble*

Holiday plans (er... is this a holiday?): well. i've spent the day at settler's with 1 classmate, 2 lecturers and the lecturer from some US university (i forget where exactly) who WROTE ONE OF MY DESIGN TEXTBOOKS (i'm acting like a total fanboy ain't i?). ended up playing some super retarded game called "unexploded cows" (by a very aptly named company called cheapass games), as well as this stock market thingamajig called acquire. and in both games i got pwned (damn). and tomorrow, she's giving a 3-day crash course workshop (maybe i should get her to autograph my textbook - THAT would be a total fanboy thing, no?)

other than that, not much planned. oh. there's blog and board thing for NUSPsyche. and the camp video (which STILL isn't done). and boss says we're probably gonna have a lot to do (implied by the fact that we'll probably want to kill her). like i said... is this a holiday?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

hell week round 3 is.... OVER!!!! PWNAGE!!!!

Ed: i know this isn't a good way to start a post but what the hey...

KNN!!!!! Even though hell week round 3 just ended, i kenna struck down by Murphy's Law (curse you murphy! CURSE YOU!!! *shakes fist in anger*). Stupid week couldn't even end on a happy note. ok now that the ranting is over and done with, here's a little recap:

1. Cowboy X - the video

The video was finished by 11pm thursday night. gave me a bloody headache from staring at the screen the whole time. (didn't help matters that the headache lasted all the way till friday night).

the video was pretty cute (if i say so myself). got the message across nicely, and on hindsight looked like one of those cartoon things cos of the resolution.

2. Cowboy X - the "Sales pitch".

CY and Dang totally blow my mind with the final game they manage to rush out at 9am (i swear to God they left me totally stunned). but since life is fair (in some sense), though the game development was fantastic, other problems arose...

I tested the laptop (i really did). I tested ALL the stuff i wanted to run (i REALLY DID). and it ran fine for all of 5 minutes. THEN TECHNOLOGY DECIDES TO GO KAPUT ON ME.

I couldn't show the live demo because the projector didn't like my laptop for some reason. then it totally refused to show anything at all. and just when i decide to RESTART MY COMPUTER the screen comes back on *shakes fist in anger*.

so we give up on my laptop, switch to Dang's instead. the stuff is all wonky on his too, but we pull through (after much nerve-wracking moments experienced by yours truly). on the bright side, tech issues aside at least we weren't torn to shreds by Kevin and Alex during Q & A.

3. playtesting for Interactive Storytelling

I seriousy wonder if i should have gone for that playtest session, and whether it was just a waste of time for me. was totally zoned (thanks to the monster headache which got worse after the sales pitch full of tech mishaps). i guess it helped that i concussed for pretty much almost the whole 3 hour break between 1 and 4.

4. AC international Speech night - the video shoot

Decided to be the "good big brother" and help my sister videotape her performance (i volunteered for this without knowing i would be struck by the uber-headache from hell). So i pulled through the filming, headache and all. then i went home and concussed on my bed for almost a good 12 hours.


1. Dang, CY and Huimin: You guys rock! i don't think GAS games and Cowboy X could've survived without you! *kowtows to Dang and CY* Like i said earlier - these 2 guys blew my mind. i never expected the final cowboy X product to look THAT good.

2. R: i know that if i say thank you for your being there for me, you'll insist that you didn't do anything. but that's the point of "being there" isn't it? you don't have to do anything. you just have to be there. and to me, that's enough. in your own special way you helped me pull through.

oh and before i go... a little picture for you guys.

In memory of GAS games:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The end is near....

ok... contrary to what you might think, this post is NOT about hellfire and brimstone. more accurately, its about the end of my hell week 'round 2'. and here's why:

Deadlines for the week ending 3 Nov

1. Interactive Storytelling assignment (monday)
2. Media writing Breaking News (tuesday)
3. Media writing press release (tuesday)
4. Media writing Public Service announcement (tuesday)
5. Media writing tutorial (tuesday)
6. Game Design prototype and document (friday)

so as you can see... what i've got left is the prototype and design document.

and after that... on to hell week round 3 which should include:
1. final demo for game design
2. game design term paper
3. interactive storytelling final assignment
4. media writing tutorials and assignments (not sure how many more)

effectively i think i only have this weekend to 're-charge'. then its on to round 3

Sunday, October 29, 2006

surviving hell week round 2....

i thought hell week round 2 would be horrible (3 assignments due tomorrow and a comprehensive project documentation at the end of the week). but i think i can survive. not because i have to, but because i have motivation. thank you for being my motivation. thank you for being there for me. thank you for being who you are.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Operation Tiger (Debrief)

well. its finally over and done with. operation tiger is finally done. and now i can get back to normality (read: DEADLINES).

pretty successful i think. no screw-ups or anything, which is always a good thing. photos? maybe. maybe not.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Operation Tiger

well. today's my grandfather's 80th (80th? imagine that...)

which brings me to 'operation tiger' - his birthday party (and a huge one at that). who woulda thought that at 80 my grandfather would have a theme party. ok fine so the theme is rather old-school (its peranakan), but a theme none the less. i bet all of you would just totally love to see what i've been forced to wear (probably in the anticipation that you get to suan me after). there'll be pictures (i think). if i can be bothered to post them...

so anyway... one one hand its an exciting thing (considering all our preparations). and on the other, i can't wait for it to end (sometimes too exciting is not good).

so anyway, we're gearing up for it.... operation tiger begins in: T-5 hours.... sheesh.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hell week... ROUND 2

believe it or not, i have more than 1 round of hell week (if my calculations are correct i should have 3). yes you heard me right.

so anyway... on to hell week round 2 (most of which has been covered in the previous post). deadline is friday 27th.... so based on posting time, deadline is in T-10 days. Check back then to see if chris is alive (and if he is, he's probably gearing up for hell week round 3).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Down Time...

With most of the assignments now out of the way... its sort of the 'calm before the storm' for me... like the period between assignments. 1 'wave' is over... now i'm anticipating the next one.

the thing is... i already know what i have to do, but am still too lazy to start on it. like... adrenaline's down after taking a 'hit' from the 1st wave. need to get up again and get ready for the next one. otherwise i'm surely going to 'drown'...

so here's a to-do list:

GEK1527 Term paper
NM4209 Research paper
NM4209 project
NM3222 Assignment
NM2220 Tutorials + various assignments (total number yet to be confirmed)

honestly speaking... doesn't look too promising. someone get me to start on it before i drown...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

can't quite put my finger on it...

SCD just told me about my (apparent) explosion today. i didn't think i exploded / snapped at people (not at that point anyway). but on hindsight, i'm beginning to see a worrying trend...

It isn't the first time that someone has asked if i'm pissed cos i (apparently) snapped at someone else. its happened at least twice prior. and as the post title indicates, i can't quite figure out why. People have told me that i looked stressed (last week at least), but i said that i'm fine. so now i'm wondering... am i really? or am i just fooling myself that everything's ok?

i think there IS something bugging me. but i'm not sure what. and obviously it's bugging me enough (subconciously anyway) to make me snap at people. but i just can't quite put my finger on it...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My favourite song...

for regular and /or long-time readers of any of my blogs, by now you would know that this is my favourite song. every so often i feel like putting it down if only because it reflects what i'm thinking (and my life as i know it).

so i present to you (again), 'Wonderful' by Everclear - A song for anyone and everyone who's been in / going through this situation:

I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad
Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them

I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door
I wish I could count to ten
And make everything be wonderful again

I hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad
I hear them scream, I hear them fight
They say bad words that makes me want to cry

Close my eyes when I go to bed and I
Dream of angels who make me smile
I feel better when I hear them say that
Everything will be wonderful some day

Promises mean everything
When you're little and the world is so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na nana........Please don't tell me everthing is wonderful now

I go to school and I run and play
I tell the kids that it's all ok
I have to laugh so my friends wont know
When the bell rings I just don't want to go home

Go to my room and I close my eyes
I make believe that I have a new life
I don't believe you when you say that
Everything will be wonderful some day

Promises mean everything
When you're little and the world is so big (so big)
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na nana........No. No.

I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.
No. No. I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.
I don't want to hear you say that I will understand some day
No. No. No. No.
I don't want to hear you say that you both have grown in a different way
No. No. No.No I don't want to meet your friend
I don't want to start over again
I just want my life to be the same
Just like it used to be
Somedays, I hate everything
I hate everything
Everyone and everything
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now.
Na na nana....

No. Please I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now...
No. Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now..
Na nana..
Everything is wonderful now...

[Ed: Wonderful? yeah right]

Friday, September 22, 2006

Shit hits the fan...

Ladies and gentlemen,

Chris' hell week has officially begun. in addition to my 'to-do' list, i now have:

1. Draft of 'Project Tiger' video up by 30th Sept
2. CMC event 30th Sept 4-9 pm

how on earth am i gonna cope....

Ed: with God's grace, enough of sleep, and more bullshit than you could possibly imagine

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Double Whammy

its been a rather exciting few days i have to admit.


SCD's birthday. collect cake for delivery to school (at 10am). get message from SCD that she might pon. nearly get heart attack. convince SCD to go with me to canteen to buy food (hence creating a distraction for birthday cake setup.

try to start work on video. freak out cos can't get the concept out. get really agitated and mum gets worried. finally get 'insight' (as R calls it) at 12 midnight.


rushing video for AGM, literally to the last minute. Memories on TV decides to screw up on me. have trouble converting to viewable format for editing. transition effects get screwed up. make 2 variations of video (2nd version in adobe premiere), holding the laptop while its rendering graphics, all the way from AS6 to LT12. play video made in memories on TV. nearly get a heart attack when video lags. end up using adobe premiere pro version of video (which i'm not too happy with cos of screw-ups there).

shout out to R for helping me keep calm today while doing my video. thanks loads. i was panicking like nobody's business (as you would have very obviously noticed). also thanks for putting up with the nonsense (note to self: don't think out loud if you can help it).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ASSignments, Tests and Notes to self

if you think that taking 4 mods is going to be easy, check this out

To-do list from now till just after mid-sem break

GEK1527 Essay (approx 1000 words)
GEK 1527 Midterm (on a saturday evening no less. note to self: ask SCD for tution)
NM 2220 Interview / profile (note to self: get hold of alex and ask for interview)
NM 2220 Breaking News assignment (note to self: drop by for CONTRAST)
NM 3222 Assignment (note to self: come up with ideas soon. then go see Sarah about them)
NM 4209 Wiki posting (note to self: do reading from newly acquired textbooks)
NM 4209 Presentation preparation (note to self: do slides / handouts or whatever)
NM 4209 Project updates (note to self: chase the rest of the group for stuff, update Wiki and regularly check / post on forum)

and you thought taking 4 mods was slack.

oh... more notes to self: chase other people to do their stuff too.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

But I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find, you and I collide

I'm quiet, you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
You somehow find, you and I collide

Don't stop here
I've lost my place
I'm close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find, you and I collide

You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide

- Collide, by Howie Day

Monday, September 11, 2006

MSN is not working?!!!

MSN is not working. and its not just for me. apparently almost everyone i know has been 'afflicted'. which leaves me only 1 thing to say: CURSES BE UPON THE HORDES OF MICROSOFT PROGRAMMERS... then again, might not necessarily be them... oh well, let's reprhase: CURSES UPON THE HORDES OFHACKERS AND VIRUS MAKERS WHO DECIDED TO MESS WITH MSN (i can't think of anyone else who might do something like that).

argh argh argh... stupid assignments


and to think here i was thinking that there's like nothing to do (thank God the lab assignments constitute only 10% of the total grade). and even though its like 10% per day per late assignment... which effectively makes it only 0.3% of the final grade ASSUMING i get everything right.

let's hope it doesn't happen again... haiz...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

week 4... and things are moving really slowly...

Log entry: 8/9/06

school is in full swing (week 4 actually). things seemed to have settled down, but i haven't quite gotten down to work (which is something quite worrying considering my CA workload). module analysis as follows:

NM4209: Cowboys X (say it many times fast).... seems to be working out. the game is taking shape (hopefully). can't say the same for my presentation and paper though (the textbooks still haven't arrived from

NM3222: seems like an interesting module (with shades of NM2208 - the first assignment being a case in point). 100% CA... so the remaining assignments should be interesting).

NM2220: still wondering if i made the right choice taking this module. even though workload hasn't picked up yet... i'm anticipating A LOT of work coming in.

GEK1527: you know, i'm still wondering why i took this module. its been 4 weeks, and i'm still wondering. maybe i'll be wondering about it at the end of the sem (which is highly likely).

Saturday, August 19, 2006

here we go (again)

another AY, another sem. another 13 weeks of hell. and if you're wondering why...

NM4209 (Game Design 2): 100% CA (1 presentation, 1 term paper and 1 group project involving minimal level of programming *ugh*)
NM3222 (Interactive Storytelling): 100% CA (multiple small assignments and a group project)
NM2220 (Media Writing): 70% CA (multiple small assignments that occur almost every week)
GEK1507 (Genes and Society): 40% CA

yes. i have 2 non-examinable modules this sem (believe it or not). and non-examinable modules mean high CA workload. and high CA workload means come term time (which starts now)... chris is DEAD.

but what the hey. i'll get through it (i hope). just that the grades won't be fantastic. but i like what i do, so that's enough isn't it?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

stuck at home... when i should be at... THE LAKE HOUSE

damn damn damn damn damn. i hate this, i really do. end yo doing sai kang all day long. bad enough have to be the supermarket kaki, now also become the unofficial 'jaga'. damnit, the prospect of a 5-day week is getting more and more appealing (if only for the excuse that it keeps me out of the house as much as possible).

i'm supposed to be watching 'The Lake House' with the rest of them (don't ask why i'm going to watch some romantic show with a bunch of girls. just DON'T). on the brightside, thanks to cors they're coming over to my place to do the last-minute bidding (again). so at least it won't be so boring later in the day.

looks like its gonna be another boring day in the life of chris...

Monday, July 31, 2006

rare CORS experience

here's something you don't see everyday... 27 vacancies, 1 bid (which happens to be me by the way). where the heck is everyone?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

bad weather

truly it can be said that when it rains, it pours. and that when it pours, it floods. damn i feel like i'm a mess - have to sort all the goddam thinking out.

doesn't help that mum keeps having a go at me everytime about her perrenial number1 issue. and i HATE it. absolutely positively HATE it. does she know what it really means when she starts saying all that (sometimes i think she damn welll does, but says it anyway). yeah sure she says we got the choice and all that (but it damn hell seems like we don't). doesn't she ever stop and wonder if she's trying to live her dream through us (and trust me this is not something easy to live through). aw f*#% even she got it wrong. more incentive for me to remain at my current status. cos she'll never let me live it down if i screw it up - she'll nag on and on and i'll never hear the end of it. when C said it was like a death sentence over my head, she got it spot on. i never looked at it that way, but effectively that's what it is.

it just goes on and on and on and on and f^$#%#$ on.... and she always thinks she's right. and perfect and god knows what else. bloody hell, it even drives my sis mad (you know its bad when your sis tells you she loves school for the sole fact that it means seeing less of mum). that's it, when school starts, either i get myself a 5-day or stay till 6 on the days i have class. anything to get out of the damn house. God it's disgusting to think like this, but that's how i really feel.

apparently i think too much about things. which is bad. cos then it gives me unnecessary worries and stress. aw dammit i really am a mess.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

argh argh argh argh argh...

3 days till the 'big bang' on saturday. on one hand i don't want it to come (cos it means finality and closure) and on the other i just want it over and done with (cos of the pre-party anxiety). but the biggest question on my mind now is: where is JK? seriously?

ok fine so she's got her attachment and all that (that i can't begrudge her). but its been awfully quiet. frankly i didn't expect to end up being involved to this extent - all i did was say that the guys could use my place. and now, it seems to have all gone a little.... metaphysical (to quote Terry Pratchett).

not that i wanna bitch about it, just that the original idea was hers. and then right now it looks like everyone else is just picking up the pieces and trying to fit the thing back together (i wonder what'd happen if it'd been at SGs place rather than mine - that was first option after all). in all honesty, i don't know. cos if the rest of them (and props to them for doing it) hadn't stepped in, i think this whole thing would've fizzled out.

if we had more time (and more organisation), maybe (just maybe) a bbq would still be feasible. but look at the stuff everyone's involved in. its not that easy. i'm sorry i didn't mention to you guys directly yesterday, but do you know how helpless its gonna feel if the phototaking went through? ZS has camp, JK has work, everyone else involved in phototaking (leaving just G and me to settle the food). much as i hate to say it i know its true. if everything goes well, nothing really gets said. if it bombs, everyone'll bitch (i know i would).

i'm thankful for ZS and A stepping in to help. REALLY. cos without them, this thing would've fizzled out a LONG time ago (God knows how many times i've felt like "Argh this isn't going anywhere. screw the whole thing.")

i just hate the insecurity and uncertainty of the whole thing. its crazy shit. and at the end of this post i come back to the question: where is JK?

Monday, July 17, 2006

ignorance is bliss?

i don't know how true it is to you... but don't you think that some things are better left unknown? granted its nice to know what other people are thinking, but at the same time that knowledge seems to bring with it other things.

all i'm hoping for is that things don't change.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

sc-sc-sc-SCANDAL!!!! and no.39...

well. it appears the pig scandal is causing more concern than expected. which isn't necessarily a bad thing since SCD (in the process of this whole thing) realises there's actually a lot of people who care about her, worried that she'll get hurt or "taken along for a ride" (makes me sound like scum of the earth, no?). anyway if you guys really knew me, you'd know i'm better than that.

but frankly, i think about it this way - since when does a guy so READILY admit about this kind of thing (i always had the impression it was like trying to squeeze water from a rock)? well, unless maybe you're tom cruise and like jumping on Oprah's couch. there're always the 'indicators' (such as 'no. 39' among others), that sometimes people read into (especially read TOO MUCH into... shameless lah the whole lot of you.... totally SHAMELESS).

apparently the impression i have is that the pig scandal is HUGE... in the sense of it being both a huge concern, and it being big news (like i said, its good for SCD to know that there's so many people who care).

well, i'm not saying anything (unless you ask upfront). think what you like (i'm not gonna stop you). and you know what, i think one of the reasons people are a little worried is this. its a very common scenario, very familiar to most (a friend once said... the army - the dividing force). the similarities and 'signs' abound. but that's just what they are... similarities and 'signs'. and that's why i hate people to assume things (speculation is a dangerous thing. you want to know, ask straight up lah. scared of what... aiyoh *shakes head*).

well of course i'm guilty of not clarifying things, but like i said - you don't ask, how i know what you want to find out? and 'paiseh to ask' is NOT an acceptable answer.

P.S. SCD i hope you don't mind about me posting all this. but we've had 'the talk' right? so things should be fine.

P.P.S oh and personally, i think that the 'vicious cycle isn't as much the girl's fault as it seems. NS is where guys get influenced and learn to do stupid stuff (by their GF's definitions) that can jeopardise the relationship. and another thing - in all seriousness, i'd take choice 2 any day (proves SCD right doesn't it? i'm 'special')... i don't believe in 'completing the cycle' - i've seen enough of that nonsense in my time.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Anti-Social Personality Disorder

talk to the hand. that's the tagline for my PsychOne FOC group (along with our hand mascot that looks macham like some traffic sign).

anyway. camp's over. and as usual, i missed the overnight bonding session *damn* but i'll say this - i think i'm closer to my group this year than bananas last year (no disrespect to those guys).

being the videomancer for psychOne was fun lah i admit. but it meant i didn't get to hang out with my group much. then again, there's lots of footage of the anti-social people (i'm referring to my group, not their characters - though they seemed to be living up to their names on day 1) so that's cool. ASPD will get special edition CD (i think).

just kinda worried about C lah... last day of camp and she was worrying about budget stuff etc. the poor gal had a breakdown of sorts i think (or just needed to release at least). but even then... hang in there ok C?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Ok... 1 camp down. another to go. and so we can move on to today's topic...

Pork. or rather, mince pork VS bah kwa. it's gotta be the stupidest suanning "serve-and-volley" (wah macham tennis like that) rally that's been going on between me and S (i still say you should be the bah kwa cos you're darker). and basically all this started cos someone (NOT me) said that she felt like a pig for sleeping so much (hence the references to mince pork coming out - this suanning was actually a recycle of a really old one). God knows where the bah kwa idea came from (probably in retaliation). and no, i'm not more 'suitable' to be bah kwa because i'm not born in the year of the pig (HAHA!).

i can't believe i'm blogging about this. i think i've been infected by S (who's always claimed she never knows when to shut up) - chris seems to have contracted crap-talkingitis.

p.s. kiddo, if you get to read this.... suan me back (if you can). i need 'entertainment' (don't get me wrong. in trying to suan me S makes a better target. it sounds mean, but what the hey). wahahahahahaha

Monday, June 12, 2006

A tale of 2 camps

you know... its funny how when faced with 2 exactly similar scenarios you can feel so different about them. and like the title suggests, its about 2 camps i'll be attending 1 week after another.

The Next Stage Retreat (23-25 Jun, 3D 2N)

this one's for church. kind of a retreat for tertiary students. i'm actually in charge of planning games for this one (unbelievable right?). and yet, somehow it just doesn't excite me. i'm just waiting to get it over and done with. which is weird cos i haven't been doing much lately anyway, so i shouldn't feel tired or anything.

PyschOne - Genesis (4-6 July, 3D 2N)

this one's for psychology. Freshmen Orientation Camp no less. and to excuse the pun, i'm more "pysched-up" for this one. don't ask me why (i think its because there's more excitement in the whole thing). so far its the trial runs which have made my life interesting, giving me stuff to look forward to in the weeks as they pass (wargames, sentosa, then fright night on friday).

the thoughts in question:

so which brings me back to the question: how can i feel so differently about camps where i have perhaps equal levels of involvement? honestly speaking, the games for TNS retreat have left me a little demoralised. just when i got everything down nicely (or at least i thought i did), along they come and tell me that it might have to be toned down some more. talk about a dampener. i think i just feel like crap about the whole thing because all i've been faced with is the "you can't do this, you shouldn't do that" approach. at times i've seriously considered just telling them i want to up and leave. but that's irresponsible and i've seen where those kind of actions end up.

on to PsychOne. i'm really fired up for that (maybe cos it means i can hang out with my friends from school). i really look forward to the trials and everything (even volunteered to help with payment collection this sat). maybe its the approach that's taken towards it - relaxed, fun and open. but that's an orientation camp for you. so much different from a retreat.

i dunno. i really don't. can't understand why i'm feeling like that (towards TNS especially). i know i should be more excited about it, more fired up.... but instead i'm just feeling... flat.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

DYING (of boredom)...

you know, its been 1 month into the hols. and i'm dead BORED. pretty much spent every single day at home (except maybe weekends and arts open house preparations) . there's only so much computer games you can play before it gets to you don't ya think?

and because of this boredom i'm actually picking up 'jobs' - videos i mean. and i have a sneaking suspicion its gonna be like last year all over again - a whole month of boredom followed by a month or 2 of insanity when EVERYTHING kicks in at the same time (by which i'll be cursing, swearing and banging my head against the wall for taking on stuff).

quite sad right? when your existence revolves around your computer and msn? the only thing looking forward to are the camps. i can't believe i'm actually looking forward to the start of school (i guess cos apart from school i have zero social life).

hoooboy... i'm just waiting for friday (for FOC trial run) to come soon...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Wedding bells are ringing (they're definitely not mine)

in a period of 2 weeks, i'm attending 2 weddings - 1 week after another, and both in church. MY church. its funny how only when things like this happen do you realise how 'old' you are - especially when its your FRIENDS who are getting married. friends who are just about maybe 3, 4, 5 years older than you? most of the time it just makes me go 'WOW'.

often i've never expected this kind of time to come - when your peers start getting married. and when the frequency increases you begin to look around at the couples and start playing the guessing game of 'who's next'.

another weird thing is how you have to adapt the mentality of them being 'boyfriend and girlfriend' to 'husband and wife'. i don't know if its just me, but i find it a little difficult to try and change my mindset of the change in the relationship. ridiculous i know, but i guess its cos the perception was hard-wired into me.

but anyway, congrats to J and LC on their wedding. on finally tying the knot to formalise a 9-year BF-GF relationship (i kid you not. things like this never happen very often). and thanks for letting me be a part of it.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Better than any internship / attachment experience. definitely.

well it's been an exciting weekend (an exciting friday in particular). had something major going down at my place. no, it wasn't a party. but it was big. and i do mean BIG. want to know exactly what it is, well wait till sometime next month or so, when the TV ad for NUS biz school gets aired. then i'll explain if you decide to ask.

but yeah, it definitely was an experience. to see how things get done. not to mention all the nitty-gritty details that go into the whole long, exhausting process. who knew that it could be so difficult (certainly not me)?

but it was great to see them in action really. to see how far you really have to go and do what it takes to make it come out right, even though people may not like it much. i don't think i would've traded this hands-on thing for any attachment (well maybe if it was a gaming firm). and on top of that, i have an internship / attachment 'guarantee' (more like option really) if i'm crazy enough to enter this field.

if you're really wondering what this obscure post is REALLY about, just ASK. and maybe (only maybe) i'll let you know. hahahahaha

Friday, May 05, 2006

totally stupid thought of the day (and other unrelated nonsense

well. it's about a week late for the announcement, but yeah... my exams are OVER (see this is the result of bumming. everything LAGS...)

anyway, great revelation (and source of entertainment for chris): I CAN PLAY WINNING ELEVEN 8 ON MY LAPTOP!!!! *cue angels and hallejuah chorus*

ok for the unitiated, winning 11 is THE best soccer game on the PS and XBox (EA sports' FIFA just can't quite match up). anyway, i actually bought the game DVD for computers a while back but thanks to a memory shortage (if you can call 512 MB ram a shortage), the game lagged like MAD. so now that i have upgraded to 1GB (yes, 1 GB of RAM)... the game plays pretty fine, especially with the joypads i bought.

speaking of which, you shoulda seen the look on my bro's face when i told him i got it to work. that i tell you, was CLASSIC. without a doubt (and of course the first thing he did was borrow the laptop for the night. DoTA is OUT. WINNING ELEVEN is IN).

i'm free and i'm bored (well not so bored since i've got my game to keep me company - indication that i don't have much of a life). so people... CALL ME OUT or whatever. oh, and i've got a few 'special projects' to work on.

incidentally, its been 1 year since i started working on the LASIK surgery book with my uncle. and it's only just in print (so i doubt he's gonna begin writing on on cataracts like he said the last time round. hey, you can't blame my uncle for thinking BIG.). *diaow* but then again, no one said that publishing was easy. so there goes a potential holiday job (and the $$ that comes with it).

maybe if i feel like it i'll actually post up a to-do list for the next 3 months (weird cos the last to-do list i posted was for schoolwork and that was a killer).... but we'll see...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

WOOOOOOHOOOO!!!! IT'S ALL DONE!!!! ok only ALMOST done...

wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! I've FINISHED ALL MY ASSIGNMENTS!!!! *laughs maniacally*

*ahem* ok, excuse that insane outburst. its just that for those of you who know, my deadlines were crazy coming into this week. and if anybody wants a recap:

1. GEK 1036 report - D-O-N-E!!!!
2. NM2208 storybook - D-O-N-E!!!
3. NM3216 design document - D-O-N-E!!!
4. NM2218 essay - D-O-N-E!!! (in 3 hours at that)
5. NM2208 portfolio - D-O-N... ok no not quite done *damn*

ok so i confess... there's one more thing left to finish up. and its due next fri. I want to finish the damn thing asap. otherwise i can't study properly (i so cannot believe i'm saying this).

horror of horrors: exams in 8 days *cue scary music*

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm on assignment.

ok don't take the title literally. it does NOT mean that i'm lying / sitting / sleeping on my homework. just my way of saying i'm out filming (and no, i do not consider it a chore, or a job - most of the time anyway).

but its been fun. something new i've come to love working on (well not really 'love', but have sufficient interest to be willing to do it for people - you get the idea).

someone asked if i would consider going professional. but no. this is a hobby, a fun thing. i'm not so crazy about filming to the point i don't mind getting up every day and thinking it a means of making a living. no, that thought didn't cross my mind at all. because i know that taking that route is not somewhere i want to go.

but as a true 'professional', i've got myself a 'portfolio' of sorts, ranging from an advertisement for an assignment to a birthday video for a friend. and well, much as you guys have thanked me for videoing stuff, i gotta thank you for giving me the opportunity to do my filming and editing. don't think i would've gotten this far otherwise.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Run Screaming in panic

ARGHARGHARGHARGHARGH.... have just gotten my timelines and deadlines sorted out. and they do NOT look good. not at all.

in 1 week: Cross Cultural Comm and Discourse TEST

in 2 weeks: Cross Cultural Comm and Discourse PRESENTATION

in 3 weeks: Intro to gaming TERM PAPER
Priniciples of Visual Comm STORYBOOK
Cross Cultural Comm and Discourse REPORT
Gaming Culture PROJECT

wah kao. CONFIRM DIE LAH. die until cannot die anymore. ARGHARGHARGHARGHARGH

*runs screaming in panic*

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New song...

here's a song i picked up while doing a friend's birthday video. i think its really cool. try and listen to it if you can... its one of those sentimental songs (even though it sounds really rock).

"Photograph" by Nickelback

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red?
And what the hell is on Joey’s head?

This is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneakin’ out

This is where I went to school
Most of the time had better things to do
Criminal record says I broke in twice
I must’ve done it half a dozen times

I wonder if it’s too late
Should I go back and try to graduate
Life’s better now than it was back then
If I was them, I wouldn’t let me in

Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It’s hard to say
It’s time to say it
Goodbye, Goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for

It's hard to say
It’s time to say it
Goodbye, Goodbye

Remember the old arcade
Blew every dollar that we ever made
The cops hated us hangin’ out
They say somebody went and burned it down

We used to listen to the radio
And sing along with every song we’d know
We said someday we’d find out how it feels
To sing to more than just the steering wheel

Kim’s the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed
She’s had a couple of kids since then
I haven’t seen her since God knows when

I miss that town
I miss their faces
You can’t erase
You can’t replace it
I miss it now
I can’t believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave it
If I could relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Every time I do it makes me

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I wanna...

for some strange reason lately i've been rather irritable, easily agitated, depressed, angry and all-round explosive.

can't pin-point an exact reason. i think its more of a cumulative thing, the anger especially (and those who know me well enough, when chris has unresolved / accumulated anger, then that's dangerous shit - for the person who's on the receiving end of it anyway). but since chris is such a NICE guy, nobody is gonna 'get it' (or so we hope).

which also kinda explains the nick for my msn. since all the above-mentioned feelings exist, i just want the license to act like a complete bastard (i.e. no accountability, release, piss people off without the need for consequences, swear like nobody's business - you get the idea). unfortunately (or is it fortunately), that will most probably not happen.

perhaps its frustration pent up from god knows when. probably a cummulative thing too. gotta find a way to release it sooner or later, without resorting to beating seven kinds of shit out of someone (then again, it depends who's getting the seven kinds of shit being beaten out of them).

Thursday, March 02, 2006


hmm... NM2208 is turning out to be pretty fun. and i feel the need to compile all my work. to an online portfolio kinda thing you know? i mean, of course there's the hard copy portfolio (which i doubt i'll get back unless on request) but that's for assessment.

so... should i put my not-so-fantastic looking stuff online? drop me a message.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hitting the Half-way mark

OMG its mid-sem already?! can't imagine 6 weeks of school have already gone by.

so far here's what's been done:

1. 2 assignments for NM2208 (i so swear that i'm gonna become some photoshop / freehand whiz after this sem)

2. NM3216 project 1 (due tomorrow incidentally).

3. oh yes. GEK1036 proposal (done 2 weeks ahead of schedule by accident wouldya believe)

so that leaves me with:

2 more 3216 projects

4 more 2208 assignments

2 2218 term papers

1 2218 presentation

1 1036 lit review

1 1036 main report

1 1036 presentation

1 1036 test

and of course... 3 exams (1036 IS non-examinable after all)

i am SOOO not relishing post midsem break period.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


hmm... there's something i've been brooding (ok maybe brooding isn't the best of words, but it'll have to do for the time being) on the fact that there's people who know me (and yet i can't recognise them).

take wednesday for instance. i was walking with C from the canteen back to 1036, then there was this person who (apparently) waved to me (hey i'm not saying its a bad thing ok, i just found it a little unusual cos i didn't recognise). being the slightly underconfident person i am, i thought maybe (or highly probably) that person was waving to someone else, so i kinda shrugged it off (i also thought my mind wasn't very sharp considering the lecture was putting me to sleep).

so i didn't think much of it till later in the day, when the SAME person waved to me AGAIN when i was at THE TABLE. now i thought THAT was a little strange (cos it probably meant that person recognised me from somewhere)... and well, till now i still haven't figured out who. unfortunately my memory isn't the best when it comes to names and faces, so i can't quite recognise who that person is (frankly its kinda embarrassing).

and yet there's this little lingering doubt - that maybe (just maybe) that person recognised the wrong person, and that i'm not who i was thought to resemble. i mean, i was wearing my usual cap and jacket combination (which i think is a dead giveaway). so that's unlikely that its a case of mistaken identity (or then again it could make a good case for that argument since my features would be concealed).

so anyway, ya. i'm hoping i can figure out who that person is (if i can recognise the person in the first place). and well if you happen to read my blog, you probably know who you are. and well, i apologise if i offended you by not recognising you.

i know this thing shouldn't be bugging me... but well i dunno. i guess things like this make life a little more interesting.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

all your table belong to us...

ok a little play on the phrase "all your base belong to us" from a game (i forget which one). anyway... as the post indicates, we had NO TABLE on tues. which was really sad. i don't care if you dissolve the CCA, i don't care if you take down the notice board... but when you take away the table... that's the ultimate (grumbles about all those stupid booths for some v-day bazaar)

on a happier note, i've FINALLY finished the design for my assignment. some people think its DAMN COOL. but hopefully reddy doesn't massacre me (or that i get bad reviews from the class)...

so here it is...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Got (NO) Milk?

ok stupid topic to post about. but i'll do it anyway. i open my fridge and what do i see? a brand of milk my mum's never bought before. considering how i'm one of the most regular consumers of milk at home (ironical since i perpetually seem unable to gain weight), it means that whether its good or bad... its highly likely i'm gonna have to drink it (someone has to). just praying that it doesn't taste like melted vanilla ice-cream (yuck), which one particular brand DOES taste like. and for fresh milk, that's DISGUSTING.

on a different note, i think i'm turning into a techie. just bought myself a video digitiser and a 250GB external hard disk. have set my sights on those sketchpad thingys people use for design (using mouse to draw stuff in photoshop is a bummer). and of course i still need a externally-powered USB hub. sigh. NEED MONEY. wait till vacation after exams. then i can get myself a JOB (this is weird. school's barely started and i'm already planning past the exams). must be the milk.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

WHOA SHIT... (to think school's barely started...)

the title says it all. week 2 and already the stuff is piling up. readings i can understand (that's normal). and i figure i WILL be able to finish them (somehow). the scary thing is the projects. so here's a count off of my projects

1. GEK1036 - individual project (80%)
2. NM2208 - 6 weekly assignments + portfolio ( 50%)
3. NM2218 - 1st term paper (10%)
4. NM2218 - 2nd term paper (40%)
5. NM3208 - 1st assignment (15%)
6. NM3208 - 2nd assignment (15%)
7. NM3208 - 3rd assignment (20%)

so that adds up to a total o what? 12 assignments and /or projects... so many of them heavy weightage sia... luckily only taking 4 mods... otherwise CONFIRM die

Friday, January 06, 2006

oh man i feel old(er)...

dunno why, but today i'm just suddenly more aware about my age. ok frankly i'm not THAT old... but age is a relative thing right? in that case i've only got myself to blame if i hang out with people waaay younger (like in church). and the age thing on one hand makes you feel kinda 'out'. i mean, i was one of the oldest at youth camp can you imagine...

maybe i'm starting to be more aware of it cos one of my friends is getting married soon. and he's only 2 years my senior. you know how when you're younger you never thought this time would come so fast (or at least that's what i thought)? the time where you're on the verge of going out to work, finding a job, basically starting anew.

maybe at 22 (going on 23 in a few weeks) thoughts about such things could still be not such immediate worries (since i'm still studying). but the point is that for how much more can i study? at most another 2 years maybe. and then what? i'll be (close to) 25. and still without a decent idea of what to do with the rest of my life.

maybe its just cos i'm aimless. maybe cos i'm insecure. but whatever it is... i feel old(er). not necessarily more mature.