Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The end is near....

ok... contrary to what you might think, this post is NOT about hellfire and brimstone. more accurately, its about the end of my hell week 'round 2'. and here's why:

Deadlines for the week ending 3 Nov

1. Interactive Storytelling assignment (monday)
2. Media writing Breaking News (tuesday)
3. Media writing press release (tuesday)
4. Media writing Public Service announcement (tuesday)
5. Media writing tutorial (tuesday)
6. Game Design prototype and document (friday)

so as you can see... what i've got left is the prototype and design document.

and after that... on to hell week round 3 which should include:
1. final demo for game design
2. game design term paper
3. interactive storytelling final assignment
4. media writing tutorials and assignments (not sure how many more)

effectively i think i only have this weekend to 're-charge'. then its on to round 3

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