Tuesday, July 18, 2006

argh argh argh argh argh...

3 days till the 'big bang' on saturday. on one hand i don't want it to come (cos it means finality and closure) and on the other i just want it over and done with (cos of the pre-party anxiety). but the biggest question on my mind now is: where is JK? seriously?

ok fine so she's got her attachment and all that (that i can't begrudge her). but its been awfully quiet. frankly i didn't expect to end up being involved to this extent - all i did was say that the guys could use my place. and now, it seems to have all gone a little.... metaphysical (to quote Terry Pratchett).

not that i wanna bitch about it, just that the original idea was hers. and then right now it looks like everyone else is just picking up the pieces and trying to fit the thing back together (i wonder what'd happen if it'd been at SGs place rather than mine - that was first option after all). in all honesty, i don't know. cos if the rest of them (and props to them for doing it) hadn't stepped in, i think this whole thing would've fizzled out.

if we had more time (and more organisation), maybe (just maybe) a bbq would still be feasible. but look at the stuff everyone's involved in. its not that easy. i'm sorry i didn't mention to you guys directly yesterday, but do you know how helpless its gonna feel if the phototaking went through? ZS has camp, JK has work, everyone else involved in phototaking (leaving just G and me to settle the food). much as i hate to say it i know its true. if everything goes well, nothing really gets said. if it bombs, everyone'll bitch (i know i would).

i'm thankful for ZS and A stepping in to help. REALLY. cos without them, this thing would've fizzled out a LONG time ago (God knows how many times i've felt like "Argh this isn't going anywhere. screw the whole thing.")

i just hate the insecurity and uncertainty of the whole thing. its crazy shit. and at the end of this post i come back to the question: where is JK?

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