Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ASSignments, Tests and Notes to self

if you think that taking 4 mods is going to be easy, check this out

To-do list from now till just after mid-sem break

GEK1527 Essay (approx 1000 words)
GEK 1527 Midterm (on a saturday evening no less. note to self: ask SCD for tution)
NM 2220 Interview / profile (note to self: get hold of alex and ask for interview)
NM 2220 Breaking News assignment (note to self: drop by for CONTRAST)
NM 3222 Assignment (note to self: come up with ideas soon. then go see Sarah about them)
NM 4209 Wiki posting (note to self: do reading from newly acquired textbooks)
NM 4209 Presentation preparation (note to self: do slides / handouts or whatever)
NM 4209 Project updates (note to self: chase the rest of the group for stuff, update Wiki and regularly check / post on forum)

and you thought taking 4 mods was slack.

oh... more notes to self: chase other people to do their stuff too.

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