Tuesday, July 11, 2006

sc-sc-sc-SCANDAL!!!! and no.39...

well. it appears the pig scandal is causing more concern than expected. which isn't necessarily a bad thing since SCD (in the process of this whole thing) realises there's actually a lot of people who care about her, worried that she'll get hurt or "taken along for a ride" (makes me sound like scum of the earth, no?). anyway if you guys really knew me, you'd know i'm better than that.

but frankly, i think about it this way - since when does a guy so READILY admit about this kind of thing (i always had the impression it was like trying to squeeze water from a rock)? well, unless maybe you're tom cruise and like jumping on Oprah's couch. there're always the 'indicators' (such as 'no. 39' among others), that sometimes people read into (especially read TOO MUCH into... shameless lah the whole lot of you.... totally SHAMELESS).

apparently the impression i have is that the pig scandal is HUGE... in the sense of it being both a huge concern, and it being big news (like i said, its good for SCD to know that there's so many people who care).

well, i'm not saying anything (unless you ask upfront). think what you like (i'm not gonna stop you). and you know what, i think one of the reasons people are a little worried is this. its a very common scenario, very familiar to most (a friend once said... the army - the dividing force). the similarities and 'signs' abound. but that's just what they are... similarities and 'signs'. and that's why i hate people to assume things (speculation is a dangerous thing. you want to know, ask straight up lah. scared of what... aiyoh *shakes head*).

well of course i'm guilty of not clarifying things, but like i said - you don't ask, how i know what you want to find out? and 'paiseh to ask' is NOT an acceptable answer.

P.S. SCD i hope you don't mind about me posting all this. but we've had 'the talk' right? so things should be fine.

P.P.S oh and personally, i think that the 'vicious cycle isn't as much the girl's fault as it seems. NS is where guys get influenced and learn to do stupid stuff (by their GF's definitions) that can jeopardise the relationship. and another thing - in all seriousness, i'd take choice 2 any day (proves SCD right doesn't it? i'm 'special')... i don't believe in 'completing the cycle' - i've seen enough of that nonsense in my time.

1 comment:

i keep on walking said...

haha i dunno why but i feel so honoured tt u used an article from hooked in ur blog entry.. hahah!
