Saturday, November 18, 2006

hell week round 3 is.... OVER!!!! PWNAGE!!!!

Ed: i know this isn't a good way to start a post but what the hey...

KNN!!!!! Even though hell week round 3 just ended, i kenna struck down by Murphy's Law (curse you murphy! CURSE YOU!!! *shakes fist in anger*). Stupid week couldn't even end on a happy note. ok now that the ranting is over and done with, here's a little recap:

1. Cowboy X - the video

The video was finished by 11pm thursday night. gave me a bloody headache from staring at the screen the whole time. (didn't help matters that the headache lasted all the way till friday night).

the video was pretty cute (if i say so myself). got the message across nicely, and on hindsight looked like one of those cartoon things cos of the resolution.

2. Cowboy X - the "Sales pitch".

CY and Dang totally blow my mind with the final game they manage to rush out at 9am (i swear to God they left me totally stunned). but since life is fair (in some sense), though the game development was fantastic, other problems arose...

I tested the laptop (i really did). I tested ALL the stuff i wanted to run (i REALLY DID). and it ran fine for all of 5 minutes. THEN TECHNOLOGY DECIDES TO GO KAPUT ON ME.

I couldn't show the live demo because the projector didn't like my laptop for some reason. then it totally refused to show anything at all. and just when i decide to RESTART MY COMPUTER the screen comes back on *shakes fist in anger*.

so we give up on my laptop, switch to Dang's instead. the stuff is all wonky on his too, but we pull through (after much nerve-wracking moments experienced by yours truly). on the bright side, tech issues aside at least we weren't torn to shreds by Kevin and Alex during Q & A.

3. playtesting for Interactive Storytelling

I seriousy wonder if i should have gone for that playtest session, and whether it was just a waste of time for me. was totally zoned (thanks to the monster headache which got worse after the sales pitch full of tech mishaps). i guess it helped that i concussed for pretty much almost the whole 3 hour break between 1 and 4.

4. AC international Speech night - the video shoot

Decided to be the "good big brother" and help my sister videotape her performance (i volunteered for this without knowing i would be struck by the uber-headache from hell). So i pulled through the filming, headache and all. then i went home and concussed on my bed for almost a good 12 hours.


1. Dang, CY and Huimin: You guys rock! i don't think GAS games and Cowboy X could've survived without you! *kowtows to Dang and CY* Like i said earlier - these 2 guys blew my mind. i never expected the final cowboy X product to look THAT good.

2. R: i know that if i say thank you for your being there for me, you'll insist that you didn't do anything. but that's the point of "being there" isn't it? you don't have to do anything. you just have to be there. and to me, that's enough. in your own special way you helped me pull through.

oh and before i go... a little picture for you guys.

In memory of GAS games:

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