Thursday, September 21, 2006

Double Whammy

its been a rather exciting few days i have to admit.


SCD's birthday. collect cake for delivery to school (at 10am). get message from SCD that she might pon. nearly get heart attack. convince SCD to go with me to canteen to buy food (hence creating a distraction for birthday cake setup.

try to start work on video. freak out cos can't get the concept out. get really agitated and mum gets worried. finally get 'insight' (as R calls it) at 12 midnight.


rushing video for AGM, literally to the last minute. Memories on TV decides to screw up on me. have trouble converting to viewable format for editing. transition effects get screwed up. make 2 variations of video (2nd version in adobe premiere), holding the laptop while its rendering graphics, all the way from AS6 to LT12. play video made in memories on TV. nearly get a heart attack when video lags. end up using adobe premiere pro version of video (which i'm not too happy with cos of screw-ups there).

shout out to R for helping me keep calm today while doing my video. thanks loads. i was panicking like nobody's business (as you would have very obviously noticed). also thanks for putting up with the nonsense (note to self: don't think out loud if you can help it).

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