Thursday, October 19, 2006

Operation Tiger

well. today's my grandfather's 80th (80th? imagine that...)

which brings me to 'operation tiger' - his birthday party (and a huge one at that). who woulda thought that at 80 my grandfather would have a theme party. ok fine so the theme is rather old-school (its peranakan), but a theme none the less. i bet all of you would just totally love to see what i've been forced to wear (probably in the anticipation that you get to suan me after). there'll be pictures (i think). if i can be bothered to post them...

so anyway... one one hand its an exciting thing (considering all our preparations). and on the other, i can't wait for it to end (sometimes too exciting is not good).

so anyway, we're gearing up for it.... operation tiger begins in: T-5 hours.... sheesh.

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