Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The end is near....

ok... contrary to what you might think, this post is NOT about hellfire and brimstone. more accurately, its about the end of my hell week 'round 2'. and here's why:

Deadlines for the week ending 3 Nov

1. Interactive Storytelling assignment (monday)
2. Media writing Breaking News (tuesday)
3. Media writing press release (tuesday)
4. Media writing Public Service announcement (tuesday)
5. Media writing tutorial (tuesday)
6. Game Design prototype and document (friday)

so as you can see... what i've got left is the prototype and design document.

and after that... on to hell week round 3 which should include:
1. final demo for game design
2. game design term paper
3. interactive storytelling final assignment
4. media writing tutorials and assignments (not sure how many more)

effectively i think i only have this weekend to 're-charge'. then its on to round 3

Sunday, October 29, 2006

surviving hell week round 2....

i thought hell week round 2 would be horrible (3 assignments due tomorrow and a comprehensive project documentation at the end of the week). but i think i can survive. not because i have to, but because i have motivation. thank you for being my motivation. thank you for being there for me. thank you for being who you are.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Operation Tiger (Debrief)

well. its finally over and done with. operation tiger is finally done. and now i can get back to normality (read: DEADLINES).

pretty successful i think. no screw-ups or anything, which is always a good thing. photos? maybe. maybe not.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Operation Tiger

well. today's my grandfather's 80th (80th? imagine that...)

which brings me to 'operation tiger' - his birthday party (and a huge one at that). who woulda thought that at 80 my grandfather would have a theme party. ok fine so the theme is rather old-school (its peranakan), but a theme none the less. i bet all of you would just totally love to see what i've been forced to wear (probably in the anticipation that you get to suan me after). there'll be pictures (i think). if i can be bothered to post them...

so anyway... one one hand its an exciting thing (considering all our preparations). and on the other, i can't wait for it to end (sometimes too exciting is not good).

so anyway, we're gearing up for it.... operation tiger begins in: T-5 hours.... sheesh.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hell week... ROUND 2

believe it or not, i have more than 1 round of hell week (if my calculations are correct i should have 3). yes you heard me right.

so anyway... on to hell week round 2 (most of which has been covered in the previous post). deadline is friday 27th.... so based on posting time, deadline is in T-10 days. Check back then to see if chris is alive (and if he is, he's probably gearing up for hell week round 3).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Down Time...

With most of the assignments now out of the way... its sort of the 'calm before the storm' for me... like the period between assignments. 1 'wave' is over... now i'm anticipating the next one.

the thing is... i already know what i have to do, but am still too lazy to start on it. like... adrenaline's down after taking a 'hit' from the 1st wave. need to get up again and get ready for the next one. otherwise i'm surely going to 'drown'...

so here's a to-do list:

GEK1527 Term paper
NM4209 Research paper
NM4209 project
NM3222 Assignment
NM2220 Tutorials + various assignments (total number yet to be confirmed)

honestly speaking... doesn't look too promising. someone get me to start on it before i drown...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

can't quite put my finger on it...

SCD just told me about my (apparent) explosion today. i didn't think i exploded / snapped at people (not at that point anyway). but on hindsight, i'm beginning to see a worrying trend...

It isn't the first time that someone has asked if i'm pissed cos i (apparently) snapped at someone else. its happened at least twice prior. and as the post title indicates, i can't quite figure out why. People have told me that i looked stressed (last week at least), but i said that i'm fine. so now i'm wondering... am i really? or am i just fooling myself that everything's ok?

i think there IS something bugging me. but i'm not sure what. and obviously it's bugging me enough (subconciously anyway) to make me snap at people. but i just can't quite put my finger on it...