Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Erm... posting at the wrong blog?

well. i know i'm supposed to be posting for my creating interactive media blog. but i'm not. so here i am instead, at one of my many other blogs (shame on me. but i don't give half a shit).

This sem so far has been... interesting, hectic (only a little) and pretty much else in between actually. sometimes it's good just to people-watch (a common pastime of mine). to just sit there and watch things happen (perhaps it's in my inherently kaypoh nature). to make my own little observations. sometimes people show more than they usually would (especially if you watch them and they don't know about it).

after the end of my first year of uni life, suddenly realise i ain't a rookie no more. can't afford to make rookie mistakes (rather not allowed to make rookie mistakes). and SWAPS? well... feeling a little lost now (only a little). feels weird that it's now 19th comm running things (no offence to them of course, i'm sure they'll do a good job). just that the comm doesn't have any familiar faces (sort of). i guess it was easier for me cos last year i knew some of them to begin with (before they joined the comm).

i can't describe the feeling i get when sitting at the table... like it's not quite right (rather not the same) anymore. like wondering where the heck all the freshies are... hardly see any of them around. and yet wonder at the same time where i'd end up going if they DID turn up there. the SWAPS table has only so much space after all... and yet other times i wonder if had i not been sitting at the table... would the table exist (let's not begin talking philosophy here)? because the swaps table is not a location but a gathering of people (as i've so often mentioned). and if there's no one to 'set up' the table, would there be one? i still remember that day when i walked past it with JF and we met some others sitting there. and one of them said she thought the table had 'died', because there wasn't anyone there.

no more publicity sub comm (for the moment). really want to get cracking at it again. i can't be a phantom member. just doesn't feel right (to me anyway). but the condition is: PUBLICITY OR NOTHING.

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