Wednesday, September 14, 2005


funny how sometimes you title an item as 'untitled' (considering that gives it a title itself, thereby making it NOT untitled)... ARGH ok i'm spouting nonsense (then again i ALWAYS spout nonsense, so go figure).

but anyway...

the last post in this blog just highlighted how terrible stuff is this sem (ok i realise things can be worse, especially if i happen to be in engine instead of arts *prepares to dodge rotten flying vegetables*)

but this is really driving me nuts. and i mean really. but then again that's what everyone else probably thinks too. but then... come to think of it previous sems i could always say i was lucky. i think this sem it's the retribution. but on the good side, i have nice project group people (which always helps). though we're a bit slow off the mark, but at least they're nice. and they get things done.

i realised that this sem seems more serious for me... not just because of becoming year 2. but even then... i miss all the times i could do my 'MSN nonsense'... cos now all there seems to be is a lot of project meetings late at night. GT's been busy so i've lost a crapping partner (and maybe even a mugging partner). and i'm trying to think of a replacement (no offence to GT). come to think of it, ever since everyone got so busy i've lost almost all my crapping partners.

just for once (or twice, or 3 times, or even more than i can imagine) i would like to let loose. to be able to know that i can do crazy things over msn and online. instead of just project meetings and blogging for homework. i just wish there were more opportunities to do this: *bang head against wall* or even this: *runs screaming and throws self out the window*... i know it's stupid, but it's ME. it's WHO I AM (recalls that a few days ago tried to throw himself in front of a bus to stop it leaving. before anyone thinks i've gone nuts - i think i pretty much am to begin with - it was only TRIED, not did. otherwise i'd probably be touch-typing this from a hospital bed. with a stick held in my mouth as a 'finger'. *attempts to dodge rotten flying vegetables being thrown by concerned friends*)

recently i've decided to add another 'action' to my 'repetoire' - *decides to go into hiding*. whether that really happens remains to be seen. but for the meantime sometimes i sympathise with the text on one of the t-shirts i almost bought a while back... "Sometimes i just wanna put on my bunny suit and SCRRREEEEEAM!!!!!" (promise to get a pic uploaded if i can find it).

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