Friday, July 29, 2005

NUS module bidding... whicked sick...

ok i know i shouldn't be bitching about the system, seeing as i got my mods. but that's not the point. as the title mentions, this year's module bidding was WHICKED SICK... was looking at the next minimum bids for exposures, and some of them were damn shit high...

who the hell pays 182 for soci 1101?! WTF... i paid 1 point for the module lor... i'm not showing off (though it looks like it), but the fact of the matter is that this year's bunch of freshies is INSANE (barring those of my friends who took sound advice)... throw points like free.... oh well, they'll live and learn i guess. they'll learn that they need the points when they're gonna be fighting for mods against the likes of me (don't even think about showing hand hor)...

that's why i've told people before... bidding system, you curse the other bidders... balloting, you curse the system... since you're in NUS where they practice both, you basically curse and swear at everyone.

got 1 last module to bid for... and it starts monday... people want to fight with me? can... prepare to go for broke...

1 comment:

littlesparrow said...

people bid for the sake of bidding.. they dun understand the point of 'rationing' their points.. these r the people that will cry in the sems to come... they will learn sumday pal..