Tuesday, July 19, 2005

FOC video

yes. i have been assigned the task to create the FOC video. on one hand, i'm relishing the opportunity. on the other, there's so much expectation of it. ideas have been rolling around in my head, and a big thanks to everyone else who has given me suggestions to work with.

but (and it's a BIG but) i have 2 very major concerns:

1. have to exercise a LOT of self-control (and i really mean a lot). many of my friends know that many a time i can be extremely lame and/or corny, and that i currently listen to 3 major musical genres - R & B (rap inclusive), rock and christian music. so my song selection ability is also questionable. so a note to my co-producer lin yen: don't paiseh to tell me that i'm overdoing anything. i mean it. it's one thing to be aware of the possibility. it's another to prevent it happening.

2. that this video has to be GOOD. and i really mean GOOD. because it might just be the last one there is (if you don't understand why, read this - the July 18th entry ). that's what makes it all the more special. because it really has to be something that we can hold onto, to remember the camp by. even now i regret not going as a freshman 1 year ago. meaning that Refresh '05 would have been my one and only SWAPS camp.

well, there you have it. i'm working on the video people. and i really hope it turns out good. really. there's so much i want to put in, so much i want to add in. but that would make things messy and defeat the whole purpose.

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