Friday, February 09, 2007


Ok... contrary to popular assumption, this blog isn't dead yet (though its roughly been about a month since the last post). its just that i've been too lazy to do any updates. since i'm here might as well just drop a little stuff in right?

so anyway... the house is much emptier now ever since my bro left for RMIT. that effectively leaves just me, mum and my sis at home on most nights. its a little lonely when compared to what i've been used to, but i'll manage.

projects haven't been the best. there's a lot to do, and the 4343 one doesn't seem to be getting any easier when i hear about all those problems with compatibility and exporting issues. but it'll work out in the end i guess.

TR project is feeling a lot like a chore. its disgusting i tell you. somehow i regret taking the module. maybe i'll s/u it. *shrug*

other than work, life's been pretty ok i guess.

i admit this wasn't much of a post, but frankly, i don't care. after all, its just to let people know the blog isn't dead yet....

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