Saturday, September 30, 2006

My favourite song...

for regular and /or long-time readers of any of my blogs, by now you would know that this is my favourite song. every so often i feel like putting it down if only because it reflects what i'm thinking (and my life as i know it).

so i present to you (again), 'Wonderful' by Everclear - A song for anyone and everyone who's been in / going through this situation:

I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad
Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them

I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door
I wish I could count to ten
And make everything be wonderful again

I hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad
I hear them scream, I hear them fight
They say bad words that makes me want to cry

Close my eyes when I go to bed and I
Dream of angels who make me smile
I feel better when I hear them say that
Everything will be wonderful some day

Promises mean everything
When you're little and the world is so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na nana........Please don't tell me everthing is wonderful now

I go to school and I run and play
I tell the kids that it's all ok
I have to laugh so my friends wont know
When the bell rings I just don't want to go home

Go to my room and I close my eyes
I make believe that I have a new life
I don't believe you when you say that
Everything will be wonderful some day

Promises mean everything
When you're little and the world is so big (so big)
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na nana........No. No.

I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.
No. No. I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.
I don't want to hear you say that I will understand some day
No. No. No. No.
I don't want to hear you say that you both have grown in a different way
No. No. No.No I don't want to meet your friend
I don't want to start over again
I just want my life to be the same
Just like it used to be
Somedays, I hate everything
I hate everything
Everyone and everything
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now.
Na na nana....

No. Please I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now...
No. Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now..
Na nana..
Everything is wonderful now...

[Ed: Wonderful? yeah right]

Friday, September 22, 2006

Shit hits the fan...

Ladies and gentlemen,

Chris' hell week has officially begun. in addition to my 'to-do' list, i now have:

1. Draft of 'Project Tiger' video up by 30th Sept
2. CMC event 30th Sept 4-9 pm

how on earth am i gonna cope....

Ed: with God's grace, enough of sleep, and more bullshit than you could possibly imagine

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Double Whammy

its been a rather exciting few days i have to admit.


SCD's birthday. collect cake for delivery to school (at 10am). get message from SCD that she might pon. nearly get heart attack. convince SCD to go with me to canteen to buy food (hence creating a distraction for birthday cake setup.

try to start work on video. freak out cos can't get the concept out. get really agitated and mum gets worried. finally get 'insight' (as R calls it) at 12 midnight.


rushing video for AGM, literally to the last minute. Memories on TV decides to screw up on me. have trouble converting to viewable format for editing. transition effects get screwed up. make 2 variations of video (2nd version in adobe premiere), holding the laptop while its rendering graphics, all the way from AS6 to LT12. play video made in memories on TV. nearly get a heart attack when video lags. end up using adobe premiere pro version of video (which i'm not too happy with cos of screw-ups there).

shout out to R for helping me keep calm today while doing my video. thanks loads. i was panicking like nobody's business (as you would have very obviously noticed). also thanks for putting up with the nonsense (note to self: don't think out loud if you can help it).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ASSignments, Tests and Notes to self

if you think that taking 4 mods is going to be easy, check this out

To-do list from now till just after mid-sem break

GEK1527 Essay (approx 1000 words)
GEK 1527 Midterm (on a saturday evening no less. note to self: ask SCD for tution)
NM 2220 Interview / profile (note to self: get hold of alex and ask for interview)
NM 2220 Breaking News assignment (note to self: drop by for CONTRAST)
NM 3222 Assignment (note to self: come up with ideas soon. then go see Sarah about them)
NM 4209 Wiki posting (note to self: do reading from newly acquired textbooks)
NM 4209 Presentation preparation (note to self: do slides / handouts or whatever)
NM 4209 Project updates (note to self: chase the rest of the group for stuff, update Wiki and regularly check / post on forum)

and you thought taking 4 mods was slack.

oh... more notes to self: chase other people to do their stuff too.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

But I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find, you and I collide

I'm quiet, you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
You somehow find, you and I collide

Don't stop here
I've lost my place
I'm close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find, you and I collide

You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide

- Collide, by Howie Day

Monday, September 11, 2006

MSN is not working?!!!

MSN is not working. and its not just for me. apparently almost everyone i know has been 'afflicted'. which leaves me only 1 thing to say: CURSES BE UPON THE HORDES OF MICROSOFT PROGRAMMERS... then again, might not necessarily be them... oh well, let's reprhase: CURSES UPON THE HORDES OFHACKERS AND VIRUS MAKERS WHO DECIDED TO MESS WITH MSN (i can't think of anyone else who might do something like that).

argh argh argh... stupid assignments


and to think here i was thinking that there's like nothing to do (thank God the lab assignments constitute only 10% of the total grade). and even though its like 10% per day per late assignment... which effectively makes it only 0.3% of the final grade ASSUMING i get everything right.

let's hope it doesn't happen again... haiz...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

week 4... and things are moving really slowly...

Log entry: 8/9/06

school is in full swing (week 4 actually). things seemed to have settled down, but i haven't quite gotten down to work (which is something quite worrying considering my CA workload). module analysis as follows:

NM4209: Cowboys X (say it many times fast).... seems to be working out. the game is taking shape (hopefully). can't say the same for my presentation and paper though (the textbooks still haven't arrived from

NM3222: seems like an interesting module (with shades of NM2208 - the first assignment being a case in point). 100% CA... so the remaining assignments should be interesting).

NM2220: still wondering if i made the right choice taking this module. even though workload hasn't picked up yet... i'm anticipating A LOT of work coming in.

GEK1527: you know, i'm still wondering why i took this module. its been 4 weeks, and i'm still wondering. maybe i'll be wondering about it at the end of the sem (which is highly likely).