Monday, April 11, 2005

It's DONE!!!!!

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! *composes himself*. yes. it. is. done. JS1101 project is FINALLY over. FINALLY. i can finally start STUDYING (can't believe i'm actually saying that but...).

there's this great sense of relief that the project is finally submitted. worked all the way up to the deadline. which is SCARY. but no choice *curses, swears and grumbles about footnoting and bilbliographies in general*. i seriously considered burning all reference materials we accumulated in the course of the project. a bonfire woul've been nice. but in the end just settled for throwing the whole lot into the bin (so it wasn't as dramatic as i liked, but that final "thunk" seemed decent closure to this whole thing).

I HAVE TO HIT THE BOOKS *tries hard to psycho self*. this sem is TERRIBLE. only because of the fact that i've been TOTALLY slacking. and the grades show it. though i have to admit the Soci grade is an exception.

so yes. i promise i shall FINALLY get down to mugging.

such is a day in... the diary of Chris

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