Saturday, March 19, 2005

Philosophy (again)...

righto. so i've been doing philo stuff again. and now we're onto this french dude called descartes. it's really cool cos you see where the 'matrix' concept comes from - Descartes' dream theory. it's all quite fascinating... on how he tries to (dis)prove everything in the search for the 'absolute' truths which are best described in mathematical and other such formulas...

i would go into the whole thing about this argument of his 'first meditation' but that would drive some people nuts i guess....

then there's the second meditation. which questions the human existence... and essentially boils back down to the 'i think therefore i am' principle... and the whole thing just is to prove it. which Descartes does brilliantly i might add...

i'd better stop or i'll get myself in trouble *prepares to dodge rotten flying vegetables*... i figure if i did ramble on and on about it... then there'd be lots of people doing this... *runs screaming and throws himself out the window* or this... *bangs head against wall*

right. *climbs back in* so if you wanna find out what the whole thing's about... leave a comment (and an email add or something).

such is another day... in the diary of chris

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