Sunday, February 13, 2005

Blog Surfing...

right. sorry haven't kept you guys updated on what's up with me lately....

just got back from Perth, where we went for CNY break... and while i'm at it, Happy New Year to all you people out there... yes i know i'm late, but screw that...

so i've been blog surfing. can't say that what i've been reading is pretty. well, in another sense it's all just pretty... pretty depressing and thoughtful... now i'm not saying that's a bad thing... depression basically is a familiar topic and well, when you see depressed posts on blogs, you kinda learn to take it with a pinch of salt. because most of the time people just use their blogs to rant... now i'm not saying i'm not taking the depressed posts seriously. i am, really. but i'm not going to be super worried or anything...

well, enough of my incoherence. got 2 papers due soon... one for philosophy and another for Political Science. oh well, whatever lah... no point stressing myself to death...

such is a day in... the diary of Chris

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