Friday, January 07, 2005

And awaaaaay we go...

right. 2005. and i start school on monday. (and everyone out there is wondering like "WHAT?! didn't school start LAST Monday?!"). well, it's different in NUS (and they say SMU is supposed to be the DIFFERENT University. but not in this way right? the other way of being different is being EXTRA...bwahahahaha. *ahem*. but i digress. back to the topic)

so anyway, yes school starts for me on monday (you can stop giving me those 'you lucky bastard - you got an extra week off' looks ok?). and prior to this i admit it has NOT been a fun week. and before everyone protests... CURSES BE UPON THE NUS BIDDING SYSTEM!!!! CURSES!!!!

yes. i had to bid for my modules. ALL 5 OF THEM. so what's the big deal some say? well, i managed to get 4 pretty easily (thanks to 'protection'. bwahahahaha). but the 5th one was a bit of a problem. didn't get it till YESTERDAY.... everything else i wanted to take was either:

1. too EXPENSIVE (we use allocated credit ok? must plan ahead for future semesters)
2. doesn't fit my daily timetable (clashing lectures or worse - back to back lectures)
3. clashing exam dates (yes, we know our exam dates in advance... whoopee *sounds deflated*)

so i was panicking for a greater part of the week cos i couldn't get my last module. but now i have it. and it's MINE i tell you... ALL MINE!!!!!! bwahahahahaha... *ahem* and the best part is it only cost me 1 point.... true i never expected i'd take MKT1003 (principles of marketing), but better than nothing i suppose. could be worse. like *gasp* evolution of a global city-state *shudders*

so right. school on monday. and my only class is from 4-6. brilliant. should i just skip? (there's webcast after all...*cue groans and curses from readers*) no. i shall be a good boy *cue halo and music* and go for class even if it's for 2 bloody hours of nonsense (hey, it's PHILOSOPHY. it doesn't HAVE TO make sense) *grumble grumble*

such is the day in... the diary of chris

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