Saturday, March 19, 2005

Philosophy (again)...

righto. so i've been doing philo stuff again. and now we're onto this french dude called descartes. it's really cool cos you see where the 'matrix' concept comes from - Descartes' dream theory. it's all quite fascinating... on how he tries to (dis)prove everything in the search for the 'absolute' truths which are best described in mathematical and other such formulas...

i would go into the whole thing about this argument of his 'first meditation' but that would drive some people nuts i guess....

then there's the second meditation. which questions the human existence... and essentially boils back down to the 'i think therefore i am' principle... and the whole thing just is to prove it. which Descartes does brilliantly i might add...

i'd better stop or i'll get myself in trouble *prepares to dodge rotten flying vegetables*... i figure if i did ramble on and on about it... then there'd be lots of people doing this... *runs screaming and throws himself out the window* or this... *bangs head against wall*

right. *climbs back in* so if you wanna find out what the whole thing's about... leave a comment (and an email add or something).

such is another day... in the diary of chris

Friday, March 04, 2005

My Favourite Song...

there's this song that i really like. not because of anything in particular... but the lyrics are just so apt (those who read the other blog'll know what i'm talking about). they aren't the most accurate, but they capture the essence of the situation and well, the say a lot. especially the 2nd verse. it only struck me how relevant it was when someone asked what i was doing in school if i had no classes on...

so i present to you... 'Wonderful' by Everclear

Verse 1:
I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad
Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them

I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door
I wish I could count to ten
And make everything be wonderful again

I hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad
I hear them scream, I hear them fight
They say bad words that makes me want to cry

Close my eyes when I go to bed and I
Dream of angels who make me smile
I feel better when I hear them say that
Everything will be wonderful some day

Promises mean everything
When you're little and the world is so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na nana........
Please don't tell me everthing is wonderful now

Verse 2:
I go to school and I run and play
I tell the kids that it's all okI have to laugh so my friends wont know
When the bell rings I just don't want to go home

Go to my room and I close my eyes
I make believe that I have a new life
I don't believe you when you say that
Everything will be wonderful some day

Promises mean everything
When you're little and the world is so big (so big)
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na nana........
No. No. I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.
No. No. I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.
I don't want to hear you say that I will understand some day
No. No. No. No.
I don't want to hear you say that you both have grown in a different way
No. No. No.No
I don't want to meet your friend
I don't want to start over again
I just want my life to be the same
Just like it used to be

Somedays, I hate everything
I hate everything
Everyone and everything

Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now.
Na na nana....

No. Please I don't want to hear you tell me everything is wonderful now...

No. Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now..
Na nana..
Everything is wonderful now...