Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Insights of a cynic.

Now if you think about it, there's something to be said for being a cynical person. Sure you're probably not as happy as the optimists and idealists, but at least you don't get disappointed as much. and of course you get a lot more opportunities to shove it in their face with a very telling "HAH. I told you so."

As most people probably should know by now, i'm very big on cynicism. And thinking about it for the last few days there's some things i've concluded from my observations:

1. If you're no longer useful to people, generally you're no longer wanted. People are inherently selfish and self-serving. You generally don't go finding someone else unless you want / need something from them. If you've outlived your usefulness, substituted by something / someone else or basically no longer needed anymore, expect to be contacted less and less frequently.

2. no matter how good you can possibly be, there's always someone out there who's better. And if people find that other person to be a better / cheaper / more accessible option, then goodbye demand.

3. The world doesn't need love. Love doesn't make the world go round. Money sometimes does. But what really impacts thing is anger (not only for its destructive qualities of course). Someone once said that though most of the other 7 deadly sins affect yourself (and occassionally a few other people), anger can affect the largest possible group with its destructive force. More often than not its the aftermath of destructive anger that motivates people to do something. And unlike happiness which people forget after a while, anger scars you. Forever. so you won't forget.

4. Pride and self-esteem aren't the same thing. People with low self-esteem can still be proud (and hence get themselves into shit since pride gets in the way).

5. Holidays in general are overrated. More often than not they're usually more trouble than they're worth. In trying to make them "perfect", people end up stressing themselves (and each other) out more. and instead of being happy, they all get disgruntled and annoyed with one another.

6. Never trust anyone (too much). don't expect to rely on people. Some point of time or other, they WILL disappoint. People aren't perfect to begin with, and don't expect perfection. If not you're just setting yourself up for disappointment (and that's just dumb).
