Monday, January 15, 2007

Updates, updates, updates...

well.... its been a long time since i last posted (about a month to be exact). and the major reason why nothing's been up here is because i've been too lazy to post anything. but i figured that i should get down to doing it again, just to keep this blog alive....

So anyway... this has not been a good start to the semester, mainly because only now have i FINALLY (and i do mean FINALLY) been allocated ALL my modules (i swear its cumulative retribution for 5 semesters of hassle-free module acquisition).

I won't really go into many details (because i've already explained it multiple times), but all i can say is... this whole thing has left me rather annoyed. its not really the appealing bit that annoys, but the fact that i have to pay 30 damn CORS points just to process the appeal (when i can very well get the module for just 1 point since there's only 7 other people in the class and 31 vacancies).

on another note, the modules this sem seem rather interesting. though CS4343 is definitely going to take a lot of work (8MC module i.e. twice normal workload) for a 4-person project group. its going to be CRAZY i tell you. already Cowboy X last semester 4 people do until want to die...

NM4210 looks to be related to my major interest in user interface, which is a good thing. unfortunately there's an 8-week group project (that's a BAD thing). but i guess you can't expect anything less from a 100% CA module. at least it'll be interesting right? *shrug*

TR3001 is going to be.... ARGH. i know the module is relevant for sure. but i hate coming up with ideas for products (i'm definitely not big on creativity - funny thing then that i'm in a major and concentration that is...). Its already tuesday and still i've got nothing. and class is on friday.... GAH

oh and who can forget NM2219 (taught by Mr Raj)? that's DEFINITELY going to be interesting for sure (it's Mr Raj after all), and not to mention SHORT (he promises to keep us no later than 1 hour and 15 minutes after start of lecture *grin*). oh, and i did i mention i sacrificed my free day just to get his tutorial slot? (yes i'm THAT crazy. but i figure i'll end up coming to school every day anyway).