Saturday, August 19, 2006

here we go (again)

another AY, another sem. another 13 weeks of hell. and if you're wondering why...

NM4209 (Game Design 2): 100% CA (1 presentation, 1 term paper and 1 group project involving minimal level of programming *ugh*)
NM3222 (Interactive Storytelling): 100% CA (multiple small assignments and a group project)
NM2220 (Media Writing): 70% CA (multiple small assignments that occur almost every week)
GEK1507 (Genes and Society): 40% CA

yes. i have 2 non-examinable modules this sem (believe it or not). and non-examinable modules mean high CA workload. and high CA workload means come term time (which starts now)... chris is DEAD.

but what the hey. i'll get through it (i hope). just that the grades won't be fantastic. but i like what i do, so that's enough isn't it?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

stuck at home... when i should be at... THE LAKE HOUSE

damn damn damn damn damn. i hate this, i really do. end yo doing sai kang all day long. bad enough have to be the supermarket kaki, now also become the unofficial 'jaga'. damnit, the prospect of a 5-day week is getting more and more appealing (if only for the excuse that it keeps me out of the house as much as possible).

i'm supposed to be watching 'The Lake House' with the rest of them (don't ask why i'm going to watch some romantic show with a bunch of girls. just DON'T). on the brightside, thanks to cors they're coming over to my place to do the last-minute bidding (again). so at least it won't be so boring later in the day.

looks like its gonna be another boring day in the life of chris...