Tuesday, May 23, 2006

DYING (of boredom)...

you know, its been 1 month into the hols. and i'm dead BORED. pretty much spent every single day at home (except maybe weekends and arts open house preparations) . there's only so much computer games you can play before it gets to you don't ya think?

and because of this boredom i'm actually picking up 'jobs' - videos i mean. and i have a sneaking suspicion its gonna be like last year all over again - a whole month of boredom followed by a month or 2 of insanity when EVERYTHING kicks in at the same time (by which i'll be cursing, swearing and banging my head against the wall for taking on stuff).

quite sad right? when your existence revolves around your computer and msn? the only thing looking forward to are the camps. i can't believe i'm actually looking forward to the start of school (i guess cos apart from school i have zero social life).

hoooboy... i'm just waiting for friday (for FOC trial run) to come soon...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Wedding bells are ringing (they're definitely not mine)

in a period of 2 weeks, i'm attending 2 weddings - 1 week after another, and both in church. MY church. its funny how only when things like this happen do you realise how 'old' you are - especially when its your FRIENDS who are getting married. friends who are just about maybe 3, 4, 5 years older than you? most of the time it just makes me go 'WOW'.

often i've never expected this kind of time to come - when your peers start getting married. and when the frequency increases you begin to look around at the couples and start playing the guessing game of 'who's next'.

another weird thing is how you have to adapt the mentality of them being 'boyfriend and girlfriend' to 'husband and wife'. i don't know if its just me, but i find it a little difficult to try and change my mindset of the change in the relationship. ridiculous i know, but i guess its cos the perception was hard-wired into me.

but anyway, congrats to J and LC on their wedding. on finally tying the knot to formalise a 9-year BF-GF relationship (i kid you not. things like this never happen very often). and thanks for letting me be a part of it.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Better than any internship / attachment experience. definitely.

well it's been an exciting weekend (an exciting friday in particular). had something major going down at my place. no, it wasn't a party. but it was big. and i do mean BIG. want to know exactly what it is, well wait till sometime next month or so, when the TV ad for NUS biz school gets aired. then i'll explain if you decide to ask.

but yeah, it definitely was an experience. to see how things get done. not to mention all the nitty-gritty details that go into the whole long, exhausting process. who knew that it could be so difficult (certainly not me)?

but it was great to see them in action really. to see how far you really have to go and do what it takes to make it come out right, even though people may not like it much. i don't think i would've traded this hands-on thing for any attachment (well maybe if it was a gaming firm). and on top of that, i have an internship / attachment 'guarantee' (more like option really) if i'm crazy enough to enter this field.

if you're really wondering what this obscure post is REALLY about, just ASK. and maybe (only maybe) i'll let you know. hahahahaha

Friday, May 05, 2006

totally stupid thought of the day (and other unrelated nonsense

well. it's about a week late for the announcement, but yeah... my exams are OVER (see this is the result of bumming. everything LAGS...)

anyway, great revelation (and source of entertainment for chris): I CAN PLAY WINNING ELEVEN 8 ON MY LAPTOP!!!! *cue angels and hallejuah chorus*

ok for the unitiated, winning 11 is THE best soccer game on the PS and XBox (EA sports' FIFA just can't quite match up). anyway, i actually bought the game DVD for computers a while back but thanks to a memory shortage (if you can call 512 MB ram a shortage), the game lagged like MAD. so now that i have upgraded to 1GB (yes, 1 GB of RAM)... the game plays pretty fine, especially with the joypads i bought.

speaking of which, you shoulda seen the look on my bro's face when i told him i got it to work. that i tell you, was CLASSIC. without a doubt (and of course the first thing he did was borrow the laptop for the night. DoTA is OUT. WINNING ELEVEN is IN).

i'm free and i'm bored (well not so bored since i've got my game to keep me company - indication that i don't have much of a life). so people... CALL ME OUT or whatever. oh, and i've got a few 'special projects' to work on.

incidentally, its been 1 year since i started working on the LASIK surgery book with my uncle. and it's only just in print (so i doubt he's gonna begin writing on on cataracts like he said the last time round. hey, you can't blame my uncle for thinking BIG.). *diaow* but then again, no one said that publishing was easy. so there goes a potential holiday job (and the $$ that comes with it).

maybe if i feel like it i'll actually post up a to-do list for the next 3 months (weird cos the last to-do list i posted was for schoolwork and that was a killer).... but we'll see...