Thursday, January 19, 2006

Got (NO) Milk?

ok stupid topic to post about. but i'll do it anyway. i open my fridge and what do i see? a brand of milk my mum's never bought before. considering how i'm one of the most regular consumers of milk at home (ironical since i perpetually seem unable to gain weight), it means that whether its good or bad... its highly likely i'm gonna have to drink it (someone has to). just praying that it doesn't taste like melted vanilla ice-cream (yuck), which one particular brand DOES taste like. and for fresh milk, that's DISGUSTING.

on a different note, i think i'm turning into a techie. just bought myself a video digitiser and a 250GB external hard disk. have set my sights on those sketchpad thingys people use for design (using mouse to draw stuff in photoshop is a bummer). and of course i still need a externally-powered USB hub. sigh. NEED MONEY. wait till vacation after exams. then i can get myself a JOB (this is weird. school's barely started and i'm already planning past the exams). must be the milk.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

WHOA SHIT... (to think school's barely started...)

the title says it all. week 2 and already the stuff is piling up. readings i can understand (that's normal). and i figure i WILL be able to finish them (somehow). the scary thing is the projects. so here's a count off of my projects

1. GEK1036 - individual project (80%)
2. NM2208 - 6 weekly assignments + portfolio ( 50%)
3. NM2218 - 1st term paper (10%)
4. NM2218 - 2nd term paper (40%)
5. NM3208 - 1st assignment (15%)
6. NM3208 - 2nd assignment (15%)
7. NM3208 - 3rd assignment (20%)

so that adds up to a total o what? 12 assignments and /or projects... so many of them heavy weightage sia... luckily only taking 4 mods... otherwise CONFIRM die

Friday, January 06, 2006

oh man i feel old(er)...

dunno why, but today i'm just suddenly more aware about my age. ok frankly i'm not THAT old... but age is a relative thing right? in that case i've only got myself to blame if i hang out with people waaay younger (like in church). and the age thing on one hand makes you feel kinda 'out'. i mean, i was one of the oldest at youth camp can you imagine...

maybe i'm starting to be more aware of it cos one of my friends is getting married soon. and he's only 2 years my senior. you know how when you're younger you never thought this time would come so fast (or at least that's what i thought)? the time where you're on the verge of going out to work, finding a job, basically starting anew.

maybe at 22 (going on 23 in a few weeks) thoughts about such things could still be not such immediate worries (since i'm still studying). but the point is that for how much more can i study? at most another 2 years maybe. and then what? i'll be (close to) 25. and still without a decent idea of what to do with the rest of my life.

maybe its just cos i'm aimless. maybe cos i'm insecure. but whatever it is... i feel old(er). not necessarily more mature.