Thursday, June 30, 2005

Re-fresh 2005...

disclaimer: please excuse all banana-related phrases. it's not always intentional to pun.

Bananas. Yes, BANANAS. Orientation group with the best mascot award. my OG (3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for BANANAS.... ). unfortunately, being a temp / floating facilitator (counsellor) at the camp just meant i had less time to hang out with the bunch of them. but they're a good group. and a committed one at that. i swear they did a superb performance for finale night.... "Ways to kill Sadako" *shakes head* you guys are classic i tell you...

so here's a shout out to all you guys:

Javen, Amelia, Yvette, Charmaine, Lin Yen, Siang Meng (you and your banana song... *shakes head*), Clement, Kitty, Jacinth, Nicole, Khid (you rock bro!), Jeanette, Chia Ling, Yi Tsun... hope i haven't left anyone out. *grin*

oh oh... and my SP 'Eve'... hope you liked the gift i gave you. the whole SP thing was fun, even if they spilled the beans on who i was (thanks to 'bimbo balls'). funny how things worked out... considering everyone thought you were my sister *shakes head cos still can't believe it*.... sorry i was a bit weird during finale night (with all the funny questions and all), but yeah... was nice getting to know you.

i'm glad i came for SWAPS FOC '05. i knew that i had missed something back in '04, and this was it. the camp that makes SWAPS what it is.

like Eugene said... we ain't the biggest (or the richest), but we're family. and that's what SWAPS has always been about. so thanks guys for making Re-fresh SWAPS FOC '05 something special.

hope to see everyone around school... whether or not we're from the same og or anything. and like i told the rest of the bananas... i'm always at the SWAPS table (if it's there)....

peace out...

Saturday, June 25, 2005


well for those of you who are wondering why chris has been so inactive lately, it's because i've been away. just got back a day or 2 ago. was a good trip... nice relaxing one...

chris will be flying under the radar again this week cos of SWAPS FOC... so there should be stuff to write about then... but only after about this time next week. till then you'll just have t0 watch this space...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Opportunity of a lifetime...

they say that some opportunities come around once. and that when they do we should take them. and milk them for all they're worth. recently i got one myself.

some of my friends'd know that i want to be a writer. and others would know that it's not as easy as it seems. but what every writer needs is that one chance. that one opportunity. that first step into writing.

i just got a job. a good one at that. one that'll make me a writer (and hopefully a good one). i have about a month or so. to help in the production of a book. ok fine, so maybe it's not a fiction book (something not what i'm quite comfortable with), but it's an opportunity nonetheless. an opportunity to be published. an opportunity to see my work in PRINT (even if i'm just a ghost writer).

and like all jobs, this project has a deadline. i have to finish it before school starts. hopefully i can get that target achieved. that would make it quite something. to have my name in print. to have my work published.

opportunity of a lifetime? i think so.

such is a day in the diary of chris...

Friday, June 03, 2005

In all fairness...

results are out. a bit surprising, a bit relieving, but in retrospect, i'd say i got what i pretty much deserved.

you know how people always say God if fair / just? and yet He's supposed to be really good and all? well... i guess my results are a kind of illustration of that (in my opinion anyway).

ok... i received a super blessing in the form of an 'A' (still can't quite believe it), at the same time passing (barely) a module i thought i'd fail. so i got my wish of passing all my subjects, with the A as a sort of bonus if you like. but in the end the CAP still stays the same (ok, so it went up by 0.04), which to some might be surprising considering that the A would've pulled it up considerably. but it all evens out i guess. and i've come to realise it's more or less what i deserved. and that's why God is fair. because in the end the overall result (the CAP) is what reflects my effort. not individual modules (though they make up the CAP).

so... *shrug*

Thanks God.